Over the years, as we have developed our AG Terminal Equipment Product line and expanded our inventoried items, it has become evident that the ability to obtain Pulley Lagging quickly or in an emergency in western Canada is difficult. Both Contractors and Companies have contacted Northern Strands multiple times to inquire if we carry Pulley Lagging? Trying to find stock from the established Belting supply companies has left them empty-handed, creating increased rush freight charges or expensive downtime.
Northern Strands is pleased to announce that we are stocking PPI's EZ-LAG and the required hardware for install. This can be used as a Bolt-in solution as well. If you have Bolt on requirements, any history of usage, etc. We have very competitive pricing and crews that can mobilize quickly for installation.
EZ-Lag Features and Benefits are many
- Traditional Sliding Lag has a solid steel back and needs to be ordered specific to the Pulley diameter, creating the need to stock multiple sizes at a high cost of inventory. EZ-Lag Has 2 strips of the metal backing plate, and is field formable from 12" diameters and up and recommend a Pulley face width of 36" down.
- On the spot re-lagging.
- Interchangeable with PPI Craft-Lag and Holz Lagging.
- Available in 60 durometers in SBR or Neoprene.
Northern Strands has recently sold and installed EZ-LAG in an Oil Crush Plant Pellet belt conveyor, Fertilizer Bucket elevator, and Grain handling Bucket elevator with great success. All customers were very satisfied with the install.

Contact us for a quote on EZ-LAG Pulley Lagging
Phone: 306-242-7073
Toll-Free: 1-800-242-7073
Email: sales@northernstrands.com
Northern Strands is locally owned and operated in Saskatchewan.